A lot of commentators are pissed about this piece. Though I can see where they are coming from but I kind of see your point as well.
I definitely see a rise in terms like 'empaths' and 'HSP' and 'Im a very emotional person' as a justification to avoid responsibility and to simply refuse feedback.
It's become a social media norm to 'cut out toxic people' out of your life etc. But everyone, deep down in their core, is a bit toxic. I, for example, was an erstwhile people pleaser. It was toxic - for me and for others - and some people did call me out so I could correct course. This has helped me in the long run.
But if I had just cut those 'toxic commentators' out of my life, where would I be? A raging people pleaser, perhaps.
The goal of all psychology and self-help is to help you 'maintain your relationships' despite them being flawed. Ofcourse, this does not mean laying flat for everyone and anyone. But to maintain a balance, sort of like leaving the door ajar so people can let themselves in every once in a while when they need to.
The million dollar line is the one that is doused in balance and living with flaws rather than going into a deep denial of any thing wrong, from oneself and others.