Anangsha, I really enjoyed your article. And, I can't believe it, but I agreed with you on the first 3 books. The 4th one I haven't read so I can't say.
I feel a kindship with you ~ I despised Catcher in the Rye equally, for the same reasons that you did. Sometimes, I feel that I probably disliked it because there is a cultural disconnect between Indian teenagers and American teenagers. Or maybe the fact that I read it in my 20s so I couldn't associate with the teenage angst of this guy.
Perks of Being a Wallflower could also be a good fit for the coming-of-age genre. What do you think?
Gatsby, again, fell flat for me. Ugh. I'm so sorry to the Gatsby fans out there. I really hope no one hates me for my comment.
Many, many years ago, I read The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk. I am yet to read a better tale of unrequitted love and personal yearning.