Good article, Anangsha.
Totally agree with you on uninteresting content gaining a lot of traction on Quora. As a fellow TW, I resonate with you over a picture getting 1000s of likes and comments while informative content being buried under the debris of -and I say this at the risk of triggering mass ire - superfluous, useless content.
On the other hand, Medium suffers from its own flaws. As a paying reader, you don't have much control over your feed. Since I am a writer, I have followed topics related to writing. Now, all I have been seeing are posts on how people made XYZ in a month.
Medium does not allow the kind of freedom that a paying reader expects for their money. Honestly, I keep seeing only a handful of writers show up on my feed all the time while I follow scores of publications and a lot of writers individually as well. That has been disappointing.