Such a warm post. I loved your approach to enough with the ‘like a local’ nonsense. I am also highly irritated with the traveller / tourist thing that’s been going around for a few years.
There’s a sweet honesty in owning you’re a tourist.
In addition to you (wonderfully useful) tips, I do the following:
Don’t see everything that’s out there. Read a bit about the city attractions, and choose only what you would like to see the most. Its a hit and miss strategy, but in the long term, it serves you well. I remember I went to the Montparnasse building (its an expensive ticket), and I absolutely hated it. What I absolutely loved was walking around Montmarte, and Eiffel Tower(!).
Choose a good area to stay in, as per your interests. We stayed in the Jewish sector in Budapest and it was fabulous. Sacre Couer was just a walk away, and we could see people partying till morning literally from our balcony. It was an entirely different vibe from home.
Have days where you pack in early. There’s something soothing about lying in your hotel bed, drinking food wine and watching channels that you don’t understand.
As you said, relaxing is utterly essential.