You are one of those convinced me to join Medium. I saw your beautiful work take off and I was like, okay — Medium looks like the kind of place I want to be at.
Apparently, writers from India do not get curated because we cannot get paid through Medium. So, why would someone be writing decent content just for the thrill of writing? Ergo, no point in even looking at content from an Indian writer. It took me some months to figure out this vicious cycle.
And then came the sludge of 'How I earned XXX in one month by writing 1 article’. Its like the bloody Readers Digest Sweepstakes.
One of the worse things on Medium is that you have no bloody control over your feed. So even though I follow you, I never see a post by you on my wall. I have to look you up to check your posts.
That makes me so mad.
I am planning to leave MPP as well.
I won’t miss you, Rolli. I am following you wherever you go.