You need to be hugged.
Sometimes, in the middle of a deep conversation, men have admitted that masculinity can be a heavy load.
Perhaps the greatest cruelty that men have done to themselves, is to deny themselves the act of crying.
Have you watched Fleabag? In this epsiode of Season 2, Fleabag meets this woman in a bar. And she tells her the essence of your problem.
Women shine despite odds — menstruation, miscarriages, childbirth, menopause and whatnot — because we have pain inside us. So, we never lack for meaning. Pain brings an intrinsic meaning. We are surviving everyday, and we know what it’s worth.
Men don’t pay a price, whether through their bodies, or through a castrated status in society or being a second fiddle at home. Men have to create meaning for themselves. That’s where it went astray.
I feel your pain.